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Excel Cheat Sheet (With Formulas & Tips)

You’ve just been handed a mountain of data to analyze. You need to make sense of it all, quickly and clearly, and deliver a presentation. 

Starting to feel the pressure? Don’t worry, Excel is here to help!

Excel can simplify a bunch of stuff, from financial modeling to project timelines. Whether you’re a project manager or just want to make sense of your finances, Excel can enhance your productivity while streamlining everyday tasks.

With our Excel formulas cheat sheet, you will be working through your Excel woes faster than ever before. Ready to start? 

Excel Cheat Sheet [With Formulas & Tips]

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Excel Quick Facts

Microsoft developed the Excel spreadsheet software in 1985 for Macintosh and later in 1987 for Windows, aiming to streamline data analysis and automate complex calculations. 

Over time, it evolved from a generic standalone worksheet software to a cloud-based collaborative tool [Microsoft 365] and quickly became indispensable, especially for professionals like project managers and data analysts.

Currently, Excel is a part of the Microsoft 365 bundle and cannot be purchased as a standalone tool. The personal plan of the Microsoft 365 bundle is priced at $6.99 per month, while the enterprise or business plans start from $8.25 to $12.5 per user/month. Of course, the price varies based on the features and services you choose.

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How to Get Started with Excel

Getting started with Excel is easy. Here’s a quick guide to some of the most common functions you will use:

Excel basics

  • Workbook: A file in Excel that contains one or more worksheets. It serves as the main container for data and calculations.
  • Worksheet: A single spreadsheet within a workbook, made up of rows and columns where data is entered and analyzed.
  • Cell: The intersection of a row and a column in a worksheet, where data, formulas, or functions can be entered.
  • Cell range: A group of selected cells, either adjacent (e.g., A1:B3) or non-adjacent (e.g., A1, C3, D5), used for calculations or formatting.
  • Formula: An expression entered in a cell that performs calculations, often using functions and mathematical operators

Basic data entry in Excel

Data entry with Excel is simple, fast, and reliable. Simply:

  1. Open a new spreadsheet
  2. Input all the numbers, text, or dates into rows and columns 
  3. Format the spreadsheet as needed 
  4. Save your work using the Ctrl+S command in Windows and Cmd+S in Mac

Creating charts in Excel

Once you’ve added your data, you can easily visualize all of it at once with these steps:

  1. Highlight the data you want to represent graphically
  2. Navigate to the Insert tab  
  3. Select Create and choose from bar graphs, line charts, or pie charts 

Formatting Excel cells 

You can apply various formatting options and change how your data looks. 

Formatting Cells: excel cheat sheet

To format your data:

  1. Select the cells you want to format
  2. Use the Home tab to apply number, date, or text formats
  3. Explore options like general or conditional formatting to customize how your data appears

Using Excel templates

Excel offers pre-designed templates for everything. To find a template for your project management, budgeting, or any other needs, simply:

  1. Navigate to the Home tab
  2. Click on New
  3. Scroll down to find relevant templates for budgeting, tracking, charts, calendars, lists, and everything else

Now that you know the basics, let’s look at our Excel formulas cheat sheet.

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31 Excel Formula Examples

Here’s a quick-reference Excel formulas cheat sheet containing basic Excel functions. These range from basic math functions to advanced lookup functions, text functions, and logical conditions. Most of them work across one or more worksheets. 

Note that A1, A10, B1, etc., are cell references: A1 refers to the cell in column A and row 1, B10 refers to the cell in column B and row 10, and so on.

Mathematical functions

1. Summing numbers [SUM]

As a sales manager, you need to track weekly sales totals quickly. The SUM formula instantly calculates and provides the total of all the figures in your current data region [row or column].


All department sales are recorded in the range of cells from A1 to A10. ‘A11’ displays the sum of all sales. 

2. Finding the average [AVERAGE]

As a Learning and Development manager, you need to track class performance. The AVERAGE formula is perfect for this. It calculates the median of all scores quickly, so you know who’s doing well and who’s not.


AVERAGE of numbers: excel cheat sheetAVERAGE of numbers: excel cheat sheet

Selected cells from the range of B1 to B20 record students’ scores. Cell B21 displays the class average.

3. Finding the largest value [MAX]

Running a team? Use the MAX formula to highlight the highest numbers—whether it’s top sales, project milestones, or high scores. This makes it easy to recognize top performers and their efforts.


MAX of numbers: excel cheat sheetMAX of numbers: excel cheat sheet

The range of cells from C1 to C15 contains each person’s sales figures. Cell D2 displays the highest amount.

4. Finding the lowest value (MIN)

The MIN formula finds the smallest value in a range of cells. For example, the formula `=MIN(D1:D25)` would find the smallest absolute value in cells D1 through D25.

This function is particularly useful when analyzing datasets and looking for the lowest value, such as the minimum temperature, the lowest score, or the absolute smallest measurement.

The MIN function can be combined with other functions to perform more complex calculations. For example, you can use it in conjunction with the IF function to find the minimum value based on certain conditions.

=MIN(D1:D25): This formula finds the smallest value within the range of cells from D1 to D25.

5. Calculating percentages 

Want to track project progress? Use an Excel formula to calculate the percentage of tasks completed. 


Calculating percentages: excel cheat sheetCalculating percentages: excel cheat sheet

Columns A and B contain the completed tasks against the total tasks. Column C displays the percentage of tasks completed.

6. Rounding off numbers [ROUND]

As a chartered accountant, the ROUND function ensures your financial figures are clear and precise by rounding off numbers to two decimal places, keeping reports neat and professional.


Rounding off numbers [ROUND]Rounding off numbers [ROUND]

Column A contains the values to round off, and column B displays the values rounded off to two decimals. 

Conditional functions

7. Labeling with conditional logic [IF]

For product quality checks, the IF function can automatically label items as “Pass” or “Fail” based on their quality scores. It’s like having a quality control assistant that never misses a thing.


=IF(D2>50, “Pass”, “Fail”)

Labeling with conditional logic [IF]: excel cheat sheetLabeling with conditional logic [IF]: excel cheat sheet

Column D records the product quality, and column F shows the products that pass the check. The condition for a product to pass checks is for the score to be greater than 50. 

8. AND function

The AND function returns TRUE if all the conditions are TRUE; otherwise, it returns FALSE.


=AND(condition1, condition2, …)

  • Returns TRUE if all conditions are met
  • Returns FALSE if any condition is not met


If A1 = 80 and B1 = 90, the formula:

=AND(A1>50, B1>85)

Result: TRUE (Both conditions are met)

If B1 were 70, the result would be FALSE since the logical condition of B1>85 is not met.

9. OR function

The OR function returns TRUE if at least one condition is TRUE. It returns FALSE only if all conditions are FALSE.


=OR(condition1, condition2, …)

  • Returns TRUE if at least one condition is met
  • Returns FALSE if all conditions fail

Example: If A1 = 40 and B1 = 90, the formula:

=OR(A1>50, B1>85)

Result: TRUE (Because B1>85 is TRUE)

If B1 were 70, the result would be FALSE since neither condition is met.

10. NOT function

The NOT function reverses the logical value of a condition:

  • If the condition is TRUE, NOT returns FALSE
  • If the condition is FALSE, NOT returns TRUE




If A1 = 100, the formula


Result: FALSE (Because A1>90 is TRUE, so NOT(TRUE) is FALSE)

If A1 were 80, the result would be TRUE since A1>90 is FALSE.

11. Conditional summing [SUMIF]

Trying to keep expenses in check? Use the SUMIF formula to add up all costs over a specific amount, like $100. This allows you to easily monitor where your budget is being exceeded.


=SUMIF(B2:B11, “>100”)

Conditional summing [SUMIF]: excel cheat sheetConditional summing [SUMIF]: excel cheat sheet

The range of cells from B2 to B10 record expenditure amounts. Cell B12 shows the total amount exceeded over your budget.

12. Conditional average (AVERAGEIF)

The AVERAGEIF formula calculates the average of the values in a range of cells that meet a certain criterion. 

For example, the formula `=AVERAGEIF(I1:I50, “East,” “Sales”)` would calculate the average of the sales values in cells I1 through I50 for the region “East.”

13. Conditional formatting based on value

Want to highlight days with sales over $1000? Apply conditional formatting:

  1. Navigate to Home  
  2. Select Conditional Formatting
  3. Select Highlight Cell Rules
Conditional formatting based on ValueConditional formatting based on Value
  1. Select Greater than
  2. Enter the number 1000, and 
  3. Choose the color green
Conditional formatting based on Value Conditional formatting based on Value

All the figures greater than 1000 will now be highlighted in green.

Counting functions


The COUNT formula counts the number of cells in a range that contain a value. For example, the formula `=COUNT(F1:F50)` would count the number of cells in the range F1 through F50 that contain a value.

15. Counting non-blank cells [COUNTA]

Hosting an event? The COUNTA function helps you count how many people have RSVP’d, giving you an instant tally without needing to sort through responses repeatedly.


Counting non-blank cells [COUNTA]Counting non-blank cells [COUNTA]

Column ‘B’ shows which guests have confirmed their attendance, and cell B2 shows the number of attendees.

16. Finding duplicates [COUNTIF]

Managing a large email database? The COUNTIF formula finds and removes duplicates to ensure your mailing list is tidy and no one gets multiple emails.


Finding duplicates [COUNTIF]Finding duplicates [COUNTIF]

This formula will return TRUE for cells that have duplicates and FALSE for unique entries. You can then filter or sort based on this column to clean your email list effectively.

Lookup or search functions

17. Looking up data vertically [VLOOKUP]

Managing inventory or product data? Use VLOOKUP to find specific details, like prices, by simply typing in the product name. No more scrolling—just fast, accurate results.


=VLOOKUP(“Product1”, A1:C10, 2, FALSE)

 Looking up data vertically [VLOOKUP]: excel cheat sheet Looking up data vertically [VLOOKUP]: excel cheat sheet

The first ten cells under columns A to C contain information about all your products. Cell A13 displays the price of Product A.

18. Looking up data horizontally [HLOOKUP]

Need to track data horizontally? Use HLOOKUP to pull sales, performance, or any other data from your table across multiple rows, allowing easy comparison and analysis.


=HLOOKUP(“Sales”, A1:F5, 3, TRUE)

Looking up data horizontally [HLOOKUP]: excel cheat sheetLooking up data horizontally [HLOOKUP]: excel cheat sheet

The first five cells under columns A to F contain information about all sales across regions. Cell A8 displays the total sales from the North region.

19. Matching exact data positions [MATCH]

Need to find a product in your inventory quickly? The MATCH formula locates its exact position in your inventory list, saving you time when searching through long sheets.


=MATCH(“Product A”, A1:A20, 0)

Matching exact data positions [MATCH]Matching exact data positions [MATCH]

Cells A1 to A20 in the first column contain the list of products. The function will return 1 since ‘Product A’ is in cell A1.

If you’re handling detailed Excel reporting and need to locate a specific term like ‘Total’ in a column, the SEARCH formula shows exactly where it appears. 

This allows you to quickly jump to the relevant section without relying on the search bar or Find function, which can be slow.


Search for text in a cell [SEARCH]Search for text in a cell [SEARCH]

The function returns a number that signifies the position of 1st character of the search term.

Text functions

21. Concatenating text [CONCATENATE]

Downloaded a list with split names? The CONCATENATE formula can combine first, middle, and last names into one cell. This formula can also be used to combine multiple characters and other text data, such as addresses.


=CONCATENATE(”  “, A2, ”  “, B2, ”  “,C2)

Concatenating text [CONCATENATE]: excel cheat sheetConcatenating text [CONCATENATE]: excel cheat sheet

Here, cells A2 to C2 contain the first, middle, and last names of the first customer. Cell D2 displays their full name, combined.

22. Trimming strings (TRIM)

The TRIM function in Excel removes all extra spaces from a text string, leaving only single spaces between words. It is particularly useful for cleaning up data imported from other sources that may contain leading, trailing, or multiple spaces between words. It does not remove line breaks or special characters.



23. Replacing strings (SUBSTITUTE)

The SUBSTITUTE function in Excel replaces occurrences of a specific text within a string with another text. It is useful for modifying or cleaning up text data.

=SUBSTITUTE(text, old_text, new_text, [instance_num])


  • text – The original text or cell reference containing text
  • old_text – The text you want to replace
  • new_text – The text to replace it with
  • instance_num (optional) – The specific occurrence of old text to replace. If omitted, all occurrences are replaced.

24. LEFT Function

Extracts a specified number of characters from the beginning (left side) of a text string.


=LEFT(text, num_chars)

  • text – The string or cell reference from which to extract characters
  • num_chars – The number of characters to extract from the left

25. RIGHT Function

Extracts a specified number of characters from the end (right side) of a text string.


=RIGHT(text, num_chars)

  • text – The string or cell reference
  • num_chars – The number of characters to extract from the right

26. MID Function

Extracts a substring from a text string, starting from a specific position and for a given number of characters.


=MID(text, start_num, num_chars)

  • text – The string or cell reference
  • start_num – The position to start extracting from (1-based index)
  • num_chars – The number of characters to extract

Date functions

27. Updating sheets based on dates [TODAY]

Managing multiple sheets? Use the TODAY function to automatically add and update the current date, keeping track of deadlines or milestones effortlessly with daily updates.


Updating sheets based on dates [TODAY]Updating sheets based on dates [TODAY]

This function adds today’s date where applied.

28. Extracting the year [YEAR]

Working with contracts? The YEAR formula extracts the year from dates, helping you sort and track contracts by year, making it easy to manage renewals.


Extracting the year [YEAR]Extracting the year [YEAR]

Cell A1 contains the date, while cell B1 displays the year pulled from the date in cell A1.

Financial analysis functions

29. Calculating the net present value [NPV] of assets

Want to know the value of future investments today? The NPV formula calculates the current value of future cash flows, making it a crucial tool for investors to make informed decisions.


Calculating the net present value [NPV] of assetsCalculating the net present value [NPV] of assets

Here, Cell B2 contains cash flow values, and NPV is calculated at a 5% discount, displayed in column C.

30. Calculating future value [FV]

After calculating the present value of your investments, use the future value formula to estimate how much your investments will grow over time. This formula is perfect for predicting long-term returns.


Calculating future value [FV]Calculating future value [FV]

This formula helps you estimate how much a yearly $1000 investment will be worth in 10 years at a 4% return.

31. Financial loan payment [PMT]

Need to calculate monthly loan payments? This formula helps you determine payments based on loan amount and interest rate, giving you a clear repayment plan and avoiding defaults.


Financial loan payment [PMT]Financial loan payment [PMT]

This formula calculates the interest per month on an amount of $5000 at a rate of 5% per month for 60 months [five years].

Here’s a simple Excel hack for you: apply the formula to the first entry in a column, then drag down the corner of the cell to apply it to the entire list in seconds!

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Excel Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet

Navigation shortcuts in Excel

Windows Shortcut Mac Shortcut Action
Ctrl + Arrow Key Command + Arrow Key Move to the edge of the data region
Ctrl + Home Fn + Command + Left Arrow Go to the beginning (cell A1)
Ctrl + End Fn + Command + Right Arrow Go to the last used cell
Alt + Page Up Fn + Option + Up Arrow Move one screen left
Alt + Page Down Fn + Option + Down Arrow Move one screen right
Page Up Fn + Up Arrow Move one screen up
Page Down Fn + Down Arrow Move one screen down
Ctrl + G or F5 Command + G Go to a specific cell
Ctrl + F Command + F Open Find dialog box
Ctrl + H Command + Shift + H Open Replace dialog box

Selection & highlighting shortcuts in Excel

Windows Shortcut Mac Shortcut Action
Ctrl + A Command + A Select the entire worksheet
Shift + Arrow Key Shift + Arrow Key Extend selection by one cell
Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Key Command + Shift + Arrow Key Extend selection to the last filled cell
Ctrl + Space Control + Space Select the entire column
Shift + Space Shift + Space Select the entire row
Ctrl + Shift + Space Command + Shift + Space Select the entire data region
Ctrl + Shift + L Command + Shift + L Toggle filters on/off
Ctrl + / Command + / Select the current array
Ctrl + Shift + * Command + Shift + * Select the current region (including blank rows/columns)

Editing & data entry shortcuts

Windows Shortcut Mac Shortcut Action
F2 Control + U Edit the active cell
Ctrl + Z Command + Z Undo the last action
Ctrl + Y Command + Y Redo the last undone action
Ctrl + X Command + X Cut selected cells
Ctrl + C Command + C Copy selected cells
Ctrl + V Command + V Paste copied/cut cells
Ctrl + D Command + D Fill down (copy data from the cell above)
Ctrl + R Command + R Fill right (copy data from the left)
Alt + Enter Control + Option + Return Insert a new line in a cell
Ctrl + Enter Command + Return Enter data in selected cells at once

Excel formatting shortcuts

Windows Shortcut Mac Shortcut Action
Ctrl + B Command + B Bold text
Ctrl + I Command + I Italicize text
Ctrl + U Command + U Underline text
Ctrl + Shift + 1 Control + Shift + 1 Apply number format
Ctrl + Shift + 2 Control + Shift + 2 Apply time format
Ctrl + Shift + 3 Control + Shift + 3 Apply date format
Ctrl + Shift + 4 Control + Shift + 4 Apply currency format
Ctrl + Shift + 5 Control + Shift + 5 Apply percentage format
Ctrl + Shift + 6 Control + Shift + 6 Apply scientific format
Ctrl + Shift + ~ Control + Shift + ~ Apply general format
Ctrl + 1 Command + 1 Open Format Cells dialog box
Alt + H + O + I Command + Option + I Auto-fit column width
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Excel Use Cases

Whether you want to organize information and simplify the tasks you deal with every day, crunch numbers, or automate Excel to perform repetitive jobs, it can do it all. 

Here are a few powerful Excel use cases every Excel user must know. They describe how you can use Excel effectively in various data analysis scenarios. Let’s explore: 

1. Data analysis with pivot tables

Have a pile of data that’s hard to digest? No problem! 

You can slice and dice your data and present it graphically to make sense of it with pivot tables in Excel. 

Say you’re a teacher who has collected data on student exam scores from multiple subjects. With pivot tables, you can view each student’s performance across various subjects and the entire group’s performance in a particular subject. 

Then, you can visually represent the results in formats like pie charts and graphs. This can help you see patterns in your exam scores and figure out how students are faring.

2. Financial modeling with formulas

Managing a budget, small or big, can be challenging, but Excel can help. 

From simple functions like =SUM to sum up figures to functions like =NPV to calculate the Net Present Value of your assets, formulas are the key to simplified financial modeling. Moreover, Excel can help you visualize all your data with charts, graphs, and advanced diagrams.

3. Inventory management with conditional formatting

Let’s say you’re a clothing manufacturer who sees high inventory turnover. Managing stock levels to meet market demand can feel overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. With Excel, you can create an inventory tracker that updates automatically and displays results on a dashboard.

By adding conditional formatting, you can highlight stock levels in different colors—red for low, yellow for halfway, and green for full. This gives you a clear view of your inventory trends, ensuring you’re always prepared to meet demand.

4. Project management Excel templates

Running a project? Excel project management templates have you covered! You can easily track tasks, deadlines, assignments, and teams without losing sight of the big picture.

For a product launch, Excel’s Gantt chart and other spreadsheet templates are your secret weapon. They help map out every phase, giving you a clear view of timelines so you can stay on track and handle any last-minute changes smoothly.

Summarize this article with AI ClickUp Brain not only saves you precious time by instantly summarizing articles, it also leverages AI to connect your tasks, docs, people, and more, streamlining your workflow like never before.

Excel User Communities

Excel is complicated and contains over 500 usable formulas. It is extremely difficult for a human to know all the formulas and libraries with their various options and nuances. Even with the Excel formulas cheat sheet, we’ve barely scratched the surface.

Here is a list of Excel user communities you can visit for help and to explore all possible Excel capabilities:

Microsoft Tech Community

Microsoft Tech CommunityMicrosoft Tech Community

Tech Community is Microsoft’s official forum for all MS Office products. Their Excel community is where you can go to ask questions, learn Excel hacks that others have come up with, and explore all the possibilities that Excel has to offer.

MrExcel Forum 

MrExcel Forum MrExcel Forum 

MrExcel Message Board is a highly active forum where Excel users, from beginners to experts, discuss all things Excel. You can ask questions, share insights, learn from thousands of Excel problems that others have solved, and get a cheat sheet of Excel formulas. It’s one of the most established Excel help communities online.

Reddit’s Excel subreddit [r/excel]

Reddit’s Excel subreddit [r/excel]Reddit’s Excel subreddit [r/excel]

This subreddit has a large and engaged community of Excel enthusiasts who regularly help each other with challenges. Whether you’re a novice or an advanced user, you can ask your questions directly to Excel experts and find answers to Excel-related problems.

Summarize this article with AI ClickUp Brain not only saves you precious time by instantly summarizing articles, it also leverages AI to connect your tasks, docs, people, and more, streamlining your workflow like never before.

Excel Challenges and Limitations

While millions of professionals rely on it every day, it’s important to know the limits of Excel, especially if you’re dealing with very large projects or trying to collaborate.

Messy collaboration

Ever tried working with a colleague on the same Excel sheet? Yeah, it’s messy. Excel’s co-authoring features may have improved, but you still cannot expect to have the smooth, seamless experience you’d find in a dedicated collaboration tool. 

Static dashboards and reports

Modern businesses need real-time insights. Unfortunately, Excel dashboards aren’t built with features that will automatically refresh and let you dig deeper into your data.

Error-prone and limited automation

Manual data entry and editing can result in many mistakes, which are all too common in Excel. Tracking down errors in large spreadsheets is like searching for a needle in a haystack.

While macros are helpful for automation, you need to know quite a bit of VBA coding to make full use of it. Setting up and maintaining macros can mean a steep learning curve for beginners, which limits Excel’s automation potential​.

Summarize this article with AI ClickUp Brain not only saves you precious time by instantly summarizing articles, it also leverages AI to connect your tasks, docs, people, and more, streamlining your workflow like never before.

Excel Alternatives

There are many possible Excel alternatives. 

For example, you can try ClickUp. Like Excel, it can store data, perform calculations, and view data using various charts. But it’s optimized for so much more. Let’s explore its features together. 

ClickUp Table View

If you’re used to Excel, you’ll feel right at home with ClickUp’s Table View.

ClickUp Table ViewClickUp Table View
Enter project data and assign tasks simultaneously with ClickUp Table View

Using the Table View, you can:

  • Assign tasks, set priorities, and track progress within the same grid
  • Customize the columns and rows to fit your workflow deadlines and task owners
  • View data across your projects to have a holistic view of how your team is progressing without scrolling endlessly

The best part? 

You can switch between Gantt Chart View or Kanban Board View so that you’re never locked into one view of your project. And now, for the next level of data analysis, far beyond mere spreadsheet applications: Enter ClickUp Brain.

ClickUp Brain

ClickUp BrainClickUp Brain
Get task summaries and plan your next task in the project with ClickUp Brain

ClickUp Brain’s AI-driven automation and insights can take your workflow far beyond what Excel’s manual, formula-based setup can achieve. 

Here’s what it offers:

  • Smart Suggestions: Need to streamline your workflow? ClickUp Brain learns from your tasks and can suggest solutions that can help you improve your productivity
  • Quick Summaries: ClickUp Brain also provides quick updates and summaries of your project to help you get an overview. It can also suggest which task you can take up next
  • Automation: ClickUp Brain can automate repetitive tasks like updating statuses or assigning tasks. Excel might need macros and lots of coding for this, but in ClickUp, it just takes a few clicks

In short, ClickUp Brain is a one-stop shop for all your data analysis requirements. What you can achieve in Excel by setting up formulas manually, ClickUp Brain does automatically

Summarize this article with AI ClickUp Brain not only saves you precious time by instantly summarizing articles, it also leverages AI to connect your tasks, docs, people, and more, streamlining your workflow like never before.

ClickUp—The Ultimate Excel Upgrade

While Excel is great for data crunching, ClickUp’s Table View, ClickUp Brain, and other project management tools offer a comprehensive solution for teams looking to do more with their data. 

ClickUp’s powerful features let you go beyond the worksheets to organize everything in one place—smarter, faster, and easier. Get that data working for you—use it to set up action items and decide the next steps.

The icing on the cake: No More Math! Just get your data into ClickUp and ask it to help you. And it will.

So sign up for a free ClickUp account today and let it take your data places.

Everything you need to stay organized and get work done.

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